Seminar logistics for live and online education

Seminar of the first level of learning bioenergy according to the method of Zdenka Domančić. seminars take place in Slovenia in Bled, in Croatia in Poreč and in Poland in Warsaw. for more information, you can apply directly via the website here.

Domancic method course
Bioenergy therapy according to the Domančić method, course Level 1
Bioenergy therapy according to the Domančić method, course Level 2

Seminar of the second level of learning bioenergy according to the method of Zdenka Domančić. seminars take place in Slovenia in Bled, in Croatia in Poreč and in Poland in Warsaw. for more information, you can apply directly via the website here.

Seminar of the first level of learning bioenergy according to the method of Zdenka Domančić. online seminars are available in Croatian, Polish and English. the seminar lasts 4 days and the participants have the opportunity to have another person with them, with whom they do the exercises, but they can also participate for free throughout the seminar, they get certified with a 50% discount. For more information, click here.

Domancic Method course online
Bioenergy therapy according to the Domančić method, seminar 1 level online

Sign-up for Level 1 ZD Method

Domancic Method Level 1

Sign-up for Level 2 ZD Method

Domancic Method Level 1

For more information, you can contact us using the form below or the contact information at the bottom of the page.